Veneporte-Indústrias Metálicas, Catalytic Converters


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Catalytic Converters

The gases and / or particulates from the engine, pass through the collector and are directed to different components of the system.
The catalyst is an anti-pollution key device, one of the components with more technical evolution of the system, and simultaneously the most important. Its main function is to reduce the greenhouse gases produced by combustion, hydrocarbons (HC), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and also the carbon monoxide (CO), transforming them through chemical reactions into harmless substances to the atmosphere and to humans, such as water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen (N2).
Climate change is a complex global challenge, and there is now a growing concern with the quality of the air we breathe. Environmental Laws have become increasingly restrictive, which led to the development of new technologies and improving the quality of fuels. These restrictions tend to increase more and more as a result of increased awareness of the population and government organizations because of the need for a sustainable future and a more ecological world. It is with these restrictions in mind that the catalytic converter has a prominent place, addressing the new technological demands, in order to contribute to the reduction of emissions of hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and of oxides of nitrogen...

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